This course in Physical Education has highlighted some interesting aspects when teaching PE, understanding your teaching content and students. Each lesson has provided a thorough and invaluable guide on how to understand the students you are working with and how to create a lesson with ease. Personally I have learnt that filling a lesson with many objectives and only achieving one or two is highly frustrating especially when teaching children. Not only does the teacher have to deliver a meaningful lesson, but maintain motivation, class management and organisation skills and adhere to the structure of the lesson plan. A lesson requires time to think through and it does not stop there. The lesson on paper in theory may not work in practice so it is paramount for the teacher to perform the lesson themselves to a degree to gauge the timing of the lesson, structure, the feasibility and general content of the pedagogy. The teacher must be mindful of his/her students, the ...
The 9th lesson in Physical Education focused on Injuries, Sports Safety and First Aid. Injuries can be classed as acute or chronic and when they occur in a sport setting should be treated with immediate attention. Tendons - attach muscle to bone Ligaments - attach bone to bone Injuries may be: Contusion or bruise Abrasion Cuts Treatments of open wounds: Make area safe Control bleeding Prevent infection Dress wounds Bandages Visit a doctor Treatments of a Puncture: Embedded objects: Remove person from danger/make them comfortable Do not remove object Take control of bleeding /bandage around the object Take person to Doctor or call Ambulance Sprains: Grades I, II, III - Stretching, partial tearing, complete tearing of ligaments at a joint. Strains: Grades I, II, III - Stretching, partial tearing, complete tearing of a muscle.. Treatments of Injuries: R - Rest I - Ice C - Compress E - Elevate higher than the heart. Treatment of Hand In...