The 9th lesson in Physical Education focused on Injuries, Sports Safety and First Aid. Injuries can be classed as acute or chronic and when they occur in a sport setting should be treated with immediate attention. Tendons - attach muscle to bone Ligaments - attach bone to bone Injuries may be: Contusion or bruise Abrasion Cuts Treatments of open wounds: Make area safe Control bleeding Prevent infection Dress wounds Bandages Visit a doctor Treatments of a Puncture: Embedded objects: Remove person from danger/make them comfortable Do not remove object Take control of bleeding /bandage around the object Take person to Doctor or call Ambulance Sprains: Grades I, II, III - Stretching, partial tearing, complete tearing of ligaments at a joint. Strains: Grades I, II, III - Stretching, partial tearing, complete tearing of a muscle.. Treatments of Injuries: R - Rest I - Ice C - Compress E - Elevate higher than the heart. Treatment of Hand In...